Eu Nop Equivalency Agreement


The EU Nop Equivalency Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are involved in the organic food industry, you may have heard of the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement. This agreement is of great importance for those who want to export organic products from the United States to the European Union or vice versa, as it allows for the recognition of organic standards on both sides of the Atlantic.

What is the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement?

The EU NOP Equivalency Agreement is an agreement between the European Union and the United States that recognizes the organic standards of both regions as equivalent. This means that organic products certified in one region can be sold as organic in the other without the need for additional certification.

The EU NOP Equivalency Agreement was signed in 2012 and came into effect on June 1, 2012. It is based on the principles of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990 in the United States and the Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 in the European Union.

What are the benefits of the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement?

The EU NOP Equivalency Agreement has several benefits for the organic food industry, including:

1. Increased market access: The agreement allows organic producers in both the United States and the European Union to access each other`s markets without the need for additional certification.

2. Reduced costs: By recognizing each other`s organic standards as equivalent, the agreement eliminates duplicate certification requirements, reducing costs for organic producers.

3. Increased consumer confidence: The agreement provides consumers with the assurance that organic products sold in the United States and the European Union meet the same high organic standards.

What are the requirements for organic certification under the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement?

To qualify for organic certification under the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement, organic producers must meet the following requirements:

1. Compliance with organic standards: Organic products must be produced and processed in compliance with the organic standards of the exporting country.

2. Certification by a recognized certifying agent: Organic products must be certified by a certifying agent recognized by the exporting country.

3. Inspection and verification: Organic products must be inspected and verified to ensure compliance with the organic standards of the exporting country.

In conclusion, the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement is an important agreement that allows for the recognition of organic standards on both sides of the Atlantic. It provides benefits for the organic food industry, including increased market access, reduced costs, and increased consumer confidence. To qualify for organic certification under the EU NOP Equivalency Agreement, organic producers must meet certain requirements, including compliance with organic standards, certification by a recognized certifying agent, and inspection and verification.