Verbal Agreement with My Landlord


A verbal agreement with your landlord is often seen as a casual arrangement that lacks the legal backing of a written agreement. However, in many cases, a verbal agreement can be just as binding as a written contract. As a tenant, it is important to understand what your verbal agreement entails and how it can affect your tenancy.

Firstly, it is important to note that a verbal agreement with your landlord should consist of clear and specific terms. This includes details such as rent amount, payment due date, the duration of the tenancy, and any other expectations or conditions. Ideally, these terms should be discussed and agreed upon in person, and then followed up with an email or written summary of the agreement.

Another important consideration is that a verbal agreement can be difficult to enforce in court, should any disputes arise. This is why it is essential to keep a record of all communications with your landlord, including emails, texts, and any other written correspondence. These records can help support your case should you need to take legal action later on.

It is also worth noting that a verbal agreement does not exempt tenants from following the landlord`s rules and regulations, as outlined in the tenancy agreement. This may include restrictions on noise levels, the number of occupants, and maintenance responsibilities. Failure to comply with these rules can result in eviction, even if there is no written agreement in place.

Overall, a verbal agreement with your landlord can be a convenient and flexible arrangement for both parties, but it is important to approach it with caution. It is always advisable to seek legal advice before entering into any arrangement, and to keep detailed records of all communications to protect your rights as a tenant.